The tectonics of “Periscope” oscillates between realms of the physical and the virtual between the concrete and haptic and the virtual and sublime. The pavilion communicates and provides a virtual interface of the life and experience within the Gund Hall to the outside world. Through vertical truncated polyhedrons made of fabric that are suspended from the ceiling, videos of the various public areas (studio trays, library, fab-lab, chauhaus) of the GSD are projected from the seats below onto screens inside the structure. These visual tunnels are “periscopes” puncturing a simplified section of the Gund Hall at corresponding locations of the videos. Instead of creating an object on site, “Periscope” creates a public space merged within the semi-defined space of the physical building. The main film screening is projected from the top directly to the ground where audiences engage and negotiate. The structure of each truncated polyhedron comprises of 4 cables that connect between the ceiling structural grid and the base plates, where seating for 1-5 people are provided, utilizing lightweight material. As the site gets exposed to the public, the pavilion softens the physical barriers of communication, acts as a temporary medium of reveal, and demands a dialogue from the outside.